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Our Lab
We typically call it Our LOB
The Biomedical Optics Lab (or LOB, its portuguese acronym) is part of the Neurophysics group in the Department of Cosmic Rays and Cronology (DRCC) of the Institute of Physics (IFGW) at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Under the coordination of Prof. Rickson Mesquita since 2011, the lab studies light propagation in turbid media (i.e., media in which scattering predominates over absorption), with applications to biological tissue.
Since its foundation, the lab has been a pioneer in the introduction of tecnologies for clinical applications, with emphasis in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. More recently, we have also been studying cancer mechanisms and its therapies. In all cases, the main goal is on translation of the acquired knowledge from fundamental research to its application in the biological and clinical scenarios. We achieve our goals by employing a multidisciplinary approach involving fields such as Physics, Chemistry, Computation, Engineering, Biology and Medicine.

To develop advanced research and technology for relevant problems in our society. To educate high quality professionals through the research process on the process

Although the lab was officially built in 2011, the Neurophysics group at UNICAMP pioneered the introduction of diffuse optics with applications to Medicine. Supported by FAPESP through the CInAPCe program since 2007, the group has significantly contributed to the development of methods and technologies in neuroimaging.
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